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Category: Fair Quilts

Canyon County Fair – 2024

Canyon County Fair – 2024

The end of July finds us at the Canyon County Fair in Nampa, Idaho. My apologies to the superintendents of the Elmore County fair on their quilts being folded in to quarters for display – it looks like they received more quilts than anticipated, and it was the same way at the Canyon County Fair. What a great problem to have, more quilts than space to display! We talked a bit with the superintendents at this fair and they were…

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Elmore County Fair 2024

Elmore County Fair 2024

The 3rd weekend of July finds us in Glenns Ferry, Idaho attending the Elmore County Fair. Quilts are always a significant part of the textile/needlework divisions at most fairs and this one was no different. There were quite a few quilts to look at and enjoy; however, it doesn’t seem there was enough room to properly display them all. Even the grand champion and reserve champion weren’t displayed in their fullness, but they did give them more room – these…

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Western Idaho Fair 2023

Western Idaho Fair 2023

From the local county fairs to the state fairs, quilts are everywhere. Not much commentary as I think the quilts speak for themselves. The exhibition building had probably 1/4 of it dedicated to quilts. Enjoy! I have a sneaking suspicion that some of these quilts are going to re-appear at the Boise Basin Quilt show at the end of September. We’ll keep an eye out for them there!

Payette County Fair 2023

Payette County Fair 2023

Another weekend in late summer and another fair! This time we are in New Plymouth (pop. 1,500) in Payette County (pop. 26,000) – let’s go see what kind of quilts we can find. The fair had 2 exposition buildings, the first one had what we were looking for – quilts and other stitching arts – not a lot of room to show off all the quilts so a lot of them you could only see half of them without going…

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Owyhee County Fair 2023

Owyhee County Fair 2023

Late summer is fair time in a lot of places and we’re off to Owyhee County (population ~12k) to see what kind of quilts we can find there. In the corner of the only expo building we could see, we found a whole lot of quilts! Many of the quilts were high up, so a little more difficult to get pictures of them, but they were still fun to see. I like the re-use of denim from old jeans and…

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Canyon County Fair 2023

Canyon County Fair 2023

Before heading off to the Oregon coast to visit Newport and attend the Quilts by the Sea quilt show we took a detour to our local county fair. In general, no matter what fair you attend they will always have arts and crafts categories to be entered and obviously, quilting is usually one of the sub categories. Although there wasn’t a large amount of quilts to view, it’s really fun just to go look and see what there is. In…

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