Canyon County Fair – 2024
The end of July finds us at the Canyon County Fair in Nampa, Idaho. My apologies to the superintendents of the Elmore County fair on their quilts being folded in to quarters for display – it looks like they received more quilts than anticipated, and it was the same way at the Canyon County Fair. What a great problem to have, more quilts than space to display! We talked a bit with the superintendents at this fair and they were very excited by all the entries, they said just two years earlier they only received a total of SIX quilts entered.

Instead of making comments on some of the quilts – I just took pictures from the right side of the booth all the way to the left side and have the photos in order below. I guess I could get one of those programs that stitch photos together and then it would look like your standing their looking through the whole booth – but this gives a good enough sense. A lot of beautiful quilts, some with Merit Awards for outstanding craftsmanship. I think all quilts in the fair are shown below.

I hope you enjoyed looking at these wonderful quilts!