Elmore County Fair 2024
The 3rd weekend of July finds us in Glenns Ferry, Idaho attending the Elmore County Fair. Quilts are always a significant part of the textile/needlework divisions at most fairs and this one was no different.

There were quite a few quilts to look at and enjoy; however, it doesn’t seem there was enough room to properly display them all. Even the grand champion and reserve champion weren’t displayed in their fullness, but they did give them more room – these were the two quilts at the opposite ends of the photo below. In the end I was not sure if there were many more quilts than anticipated, or they didn’t have enough ways to display, but unfortunately we were not able to see the entire quilts.

Here’s the grand champion – and what you can see is very beautiful applique work. I would have loved to seen the other blocks.

Below is the Reserve Champion – it looks like a Quiltworx quilt, very bold colors.

A couple of dresden quilts below – a first and second place. According to the National Park Service site for the Homestead National Historic Park in Nebraska – the Dresden Plate was inspired during the 1920’s and 30’s based on procelain plates that were decorated with elaborate designs using flowers, fruits and foliage from Dresden, Germany.

I thought this moose quilt was really cute – it looks like the moose applique is in the center of this large quilt.

Below demonstrates how difficult it was to get an idea of the overall quilt – but if they received more quilts than room for – at least we got to see some snippets of these. Hopefully these quilts (pictures) continue to inspire you on your quilting journey.

The obligatory Halloween quilt below!