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Tag: Fair Quilts

Payette County Fair – 2024

Payette County Fair – 2024

Welcome to the Payette County Fair and all the quilts that are found there! This is a really nice small quilt hanging, I like how all the colors tie together, the patchwork of the hearts, the applique work and little details of beads, buttons, and extra stitchery added for that 3d effect. This is a fun thing to do with a quilt, it looks like a panel that was chopped up and then re-assembled with some pieces missing for what…

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Owyhee County Fair – 2024

Owyhee County Fair – 2024

The Owyhee county fair is a small little fair located in Homedale, Idaho. I think entering your quilts into a fair, especially for newer quilters, is a great way to build your confidence to being entering into quilt shows. There wasn’t a large amount of quilts in the fair; however, about half of the quilts entered looked like 4-H projects, a whole new generation of future quilters are being trained. Here’s a quick look at all the quilts here. The…

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Malheur County Fair – 2024

Malheur County Fair – 2024

Fair quilt season continues – this time we are in Ontario, Oregon for the Malheur County Fair. Quilts were literally hanging from the rafters at this fair. Let’s walk down and back and see what quilts there are. Those were all the quilts hanging from the rafters – as we look around we find a few more on the tables. That’s it! Quick trip through the Malheur County Fair.

Canyon County Fair – 2024

Canyon County Fair – 2024

The end of July finds us at the Canyon County Fair in Nampa, Idaho. My apologies to the superintendents of the Elmore County fair on their quilts being folded in to quarters for display – it looks like they received more quilts than anticipated, and it was the same way at the Canyon County Fair. What a great problem to have, more quilts than space to display! We talked a bit with the superintendents at this fair and they were…

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Elmore County Fair 2024

Elmore County Fair 2024

The 3rd weekend of July finds us in Glenns Ferry, Idaho attending the Elmore County Fair. Quilts are always a significant part of the textile/needlework divisions at most fairs and this one was no different. There were quite a few quilts to look at and enjoy; however, it doesn’t seem there was enough room to properly display them all. Even the grand champion and reserve champion weren’t displayed in their fullness, but they did give them more room – these…

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