Owyhee County Fair 2023
Late summer is fair time in a lot of places and we’re off to Owyhee County (population ~12k) to see what kind of quilts we can find there.

In the corner of the only expo building we could see, we found a whole lot of quilts! Many of the quilts were high up, so a little more difficult to get pictures of them, but they were still fun to see.
I like the re-use of denim from old jeans and adding the extra Western themed applique and embroidery was a nice touch.

There were some nice applique quilts that were similar in theme – they all had flowers and birds.

I really liked the effect of the log cabin assembly in this quilt where one half of the log cabin was done in a solid color – so you had these solid squares on point surrounded by scrappiness.

This was the first rag quilt we’ve seen so far in our adventures, I’m sure we will see many more, but since it’s the first it deserves a picture.

There were also some nicely done pieced quilts…all different styles.

Lastly, the Reserve Champion of the show was a quilt designed by Lori Holt called My Happy Place Quilt – because these quilts were up high, I couldn’t see who made it, but they did an excellent job!

Hope you enjoyed this quick trip through the Owyhee County fair!