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Month: July 2024

Canyon County Fair – 2024

Canyon County Fair – 2024

The end of July finds us at the Canyon County Fair in Nampa, Idaho. My apologies to the superintendents of the Elmore County fair on their quilts being folded in to quarters for display – it looks like they received more quilts than anticipated, and it was the same way at the Canyon County Fair. What a great problem to have, more quilts than space to display! We talked a bit with the superintendents at this fair and they were…

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Elmore County Fair 2024

Elmore County Fair 2024

The 3rd weekend of July finds us in Glenns Ferry, Idaho attending the Elmore County Fair. Quilts are always a significant part of the textile/needlework divisions at most fairs and this one was no different. There were quite a few quilts to look at and enjoy; however, it doesn’t seem there was enough room to properly display them all. Even the grand champion and reserve champion weren’t displayed in their fullness, but they did give them more room – these…

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Upper County Quilt Show 2024

Upper County Quilt Show 2024

In June, 2024, we attended the 3rd annual Upper County quilt show in Cambridge, Idaho which has a population of only 335, located in Washington County (population 11k). For a location with this population – there sure were a lot of wonderful quilts to look at. I got a picture of a few before finding out both camera batteries quickly went dead. This quilt show is open for an entire week at the local school so there is plenty of…

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